Thursday, July 28, 2011

My Sweet Lil Guy!

Yesterday was the dreaded day of packing up the store for Canton and then setting up the booth in 105 degrees! It's always exhausting in the heat of the summer. My mom had the most brilliant idea, though, for keeping Bryson occupied and cool. She brought his little kiddie wading pool! He loved it and he kept cool and played the whole time and had a ball! I, on the other hand, almost had a heat stroke! No joke, I started getting cold chills and got the whirly-birds and thought I was gonna pass out and puke, then got an enormous headache! I'm getting too old for this stuff I think! Lol! We got 'er done and came home and cooked a homemade pizza for dinner and I gave the little dude his bath and got him ready for night, night time. He sleeps with us and he always wants me to lay down with him until he falls asleep. He was a little angel and was hugging and kissing me and just being so sweet! Next thing I know, he's hugging me and he pats by back with his little hand and says, "Aww, it's my best friend!" I said "Is mommy your best friend?" He told me yes and said, "I love you so much!" I actually teared up and told him how much I loved him and that he was mommy's best friend too. He said, "Mommy, you cryin" I told him mommy was crying happy tears because she had such a sweet little baby boy! I just love him to pieces!!!!! I am truly the luckiest mommy on the whole planet :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are the sweetest little boy bubba! Sissy is so proud of u! We love you soooooo much! <3