Thursday, August 4, 2011

Yet another UTI! Ugh!!!!

Bryson has another UTI, dang it! I'm so ready for this little boy to be well and rid of those nasty things. The good news is, I found another urologist yesterday and I really liked him and he seems to think he knows what's causing all the problems. Bryson's reflux is being caused by constipation and his ureter tubes are also too short. The constipation is causing too much pressure on his bladder and making the urine flow backwards and the tubes being too short add to the reflux as well. Dr. Strand did a sonogram of Bryson's kidneys and bladder and said his bladder looked great and his kidneys were not dialated in any way, so the problem is not the bladder itself, which is great news. He recommended a ureter implantation surgery to lengthen the tubes and to get the pediatrician to get Bryson on a bowel maintenance program. This should clear all the problems up. Bryson's original urologist, who I don't care for in the least, wanted to do a deflux procedure on him and Dr. Strand said he and Dr. Snodgrass don't see eye-to-eye on a number of things! Lol! Dr. Strand seems to think the deflux procedure would not fully work and Bryson would still have some reflux, so why not fix the issue the right way the first time, that way no unnecessary surgeries are being done. I like his way of thinking!

On to the funny stuff!!! When we were at the doctor's office, Bryson got to play with a ton of other kids. He loved it! There were cool toys and he found a Shrek action figure and let's just say he wasn't gonna let that thing go anywhere but home with him! I told him we had to leave it because that was the doctor's office toys and other kids might want to play with it and it would be there for him the next time we came to the doctor. He gripped that thing with a death grip and said, "No! That mine! I want it!" The nurse assured me that the office would not miss it and he could have it. He was so happy when she said he could take it home! He also got to pick a little toy out of the treasure chest at the reception desk and he picked out this little teeny, tiny skateboard. All the way home he kept trying to put this big Shrek on it so he could ride it! Well, when we got home he did something even funnier. He said, "Look mommy, I'm riding the little skateboard!" He had put this two inch long skateboard under his belly and was pretending to ride it! It was so hilarious!

So, the doctor's appointment went well and we found a new urologist that we like and that seems to care about his patients, which more than I could ever say about Dr. Snodgrass! This guy gave me his cell phone number and said to call him if I had any questions or needed him for anything! I'm impressed! God is still leading me in all the right directions and down the right paths! Thank you Heavenly Father!

1 comment:

Pam said...

I am so glad that you have found a new doctor. It makes all the diffence in how things go if you find someone you can talk to and that understands where your are coming from. Now Bryson, needs to take one of his toys that he does not play with to the Dr. office to replace the toy that he got. That would be the nice thing to do.

Love you Both,
