Well,after a lot of praying, soul searching and talking to other moms who have had experiences with China and Mexico for stem cell treatments, we have decided to take Bryson to China instead of Mexico. Both places are fantastic, but in China Bryson will get four weeks of intensive physical therapy while getting the stem cell treatments. I feel the physical therapy is absolutely necessary to help those cells start doing their job, which is to repair the damage that was done to the nerves. In China, they will do an IV in Bryson's foot that will deliver around 300 million healthy cells that were donated by healthy Chinese babies and after those cells are injected, they will do intensive physical therapy, shockwave therapy, and Chinese accupuncture therapy for a week in between the injections. We are very excited about going to China because one of the moms that just took her daughter for treatments (who is responding VERY well, by the way) will be going back to China at the same time we want to go, so we are just making a plan to all go at the same time. This will be good for us because they've already been there once and they know the routine and the system and can show us everything from experience!
Watch out China....Here we come!!!! We are shooting for February of next year, so everyone please start donating and telling everyone you know to start donating! As you can see, the "Chip In" ticker on this page says we need $50,000 and not one single donation has been made from this site. We have raised $3,000 on the giveforward.com site and we have another $3,000 in Bryson's fund at the bank, but that is a long way from $50,000. Please start giving to this cause! It's for such a precious little boy who needs the help so badly! We will be gone for a month so we will need to have enough for the treatments and to cover our bills for that month. Please help! Thank you in advance and God bless!
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