Monday, April 30, 2012

We have some progress!!!!

It's been one week since Bryson had his stem cell treatment and he is still doing great! His energy level is still through the roof and he was a little character in church yesterday. He wanted candy the whole service! He is still sleeping really good and has one heck of an appetite! A new change, that even Bryson noticed, happened a couple of days ago. Let me start by saying, he has always had tons of movement in his left foot and toes. He was watching cartoons and was holding his right foot and said, "Mommy, look my toes are wiggling on this foot now!" and he pointed to his right foot! I looked down and he was absolutely right, his toes on his right foot were wiggling! Woohoo, we have some progress! Praise the Lord and thank you Jesus for your continued healing in my little boy! Bryson goes to physical therapy for the first time today since he got his stem cell treatment and I can't wait to see if she notices any other changes in him! Stay tuned...........

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