As you all have probably noticed, I can't get on here as much as I would like because I just don't have enough time, but I try to let everyone know what's going on in Bryson's life as quickly as I can find a minute to do so. I try to send out emails and post stuff on Facebook fairly often concerning donations and events because they reach a mass amount of people very quickly.
It has come to my attention that this offends some people. I have been told that some people don't want to be lumped into the mass email or Facebook category and would prefer a personal phone call asking for a donation or for help. I would never intentionally offend or upset anyone and the only reason I send out emails, etc., is because of the time limits I have these days. I think people who don't have special-needs children realize how much time it takes to care for them. All my time is dedicated to Bryson because he literally can't do things for himself. I am his only means of anything. He is constantly sick with UTI's and having to go to the doctor and he always has some sort of issue to be taken care of medically. He is in 2 types of therapy that take up two days a week of our time and I have to work at the store and try to run that business full-time as well. I am also a wife who has responsibilities. I pretty much do everything in my household except take the trash to the curb and the lawn work, which pretty much hasn't had to be done for like the last 3 mos now because of the drought! I do have a cleaning lady come in twice a month to help with the cleaning and Monty does the laundry on Sundays and takes the trash to the curb. Most importantly, he earns the living so I can be home full-time with Bryson! Everything else is my job! I am the one who gives Bryson his meds 3 times a day, I am the one who does his catheter every 3 hrs, I am the one who changes all his diapers, I am the one who puts him in and out of his wheel stander and takes him out to play and entertains him all day, I am the one who takes him to therapy and all his doctors' appointments, I am the one who prepares his meals and feeds him, I am the one who takes him to work with me every day, I am the one who does all the grocery shopping, I am the one who does all the cooking, serving and cleaning up of all the meals, I am the one who collects all the garbage on a daily basis and puts it in the cans, I am the one who puts all the dishes in the dishwasher and puts them away, I am the one who takes Bryson outside to play in the sandbox or to jump on the trampoline, I am the one who gives him all his baths, I am the one who does all the research and finds new ways to help Bryson and is getting the trip to China planned! I could go on, but I think you get the picture! So, I am very sorry to those of you who think including you in a mass email or asking for things on Facebook is offensive, but I don't have time to call each and every person to personally ask for a donation. Plus the fact that it's very hard for me to ask for things like this anyway! It's kind of degrading to have to call each and every person and beg for money for my son!
When I made the public announcement on Facebook, my friends actually started calling me or texting or emailing me to see what they could do, so that's another reason why I chose to keep that line of communication going. It took so much for me to swallow my pride and make that announcement because not many people knew about Bryson having spina bifida and like I said, I really don't like having to beg people for help or for money! So many people have stepped up and have helped by making donations and I appreciate it more than you will ever imagine. The barrel race was so much work and it turned out so great and the golf tournament coming up is going to be great too and I so appreciate all the hard work that was involved. The cuts for the cure that was done in Oklahoma and the upcoming Zumbathon and other things Channing's friends are doing is phenomenal and I thank them from the bottom of my heart! None of those people have ever talked to me personally on the phone and they did all that! Then I have people saying that they haven't donated to Bryson yet because they feel I should have contacted them personally and they feel hurt that I have included them in the emails instead of contacting them. Believe me, hearing this hurts me more as much as it hurt them because those of you who know me, know that I would never do anything intentionally to disrespect or hurt anyone's feeling ever!
I am doing the best that I can, with the time I am allowed, and I just want everyone to keep in mind that I am a mother who is trying to do whatever it takes to get her son the help he needs so he can have a better quality of life. I would walk though fire, take a bullet, or go to the other side of the world for this little boy! I sincerely apologize for not contacting each and every person directly, but please try to understand it from my perspective and be a little tolerant of my mistakes, because I'm human and I am far from perfect!
Thanks for listening to me today. I just thought I needed to say some things. I feel better now!
All I can say is I love you. I am so thankful for your life and all that you do for my bubba. U are amazing and God is so pleased with you. "Do what u can do, and God will do what you can't do." Praying for you today! <3- sissy Channing
Thanks Sissy! I am feeling a little overwhelmed and hearing these types of things makes me sad and hurts me a lot, so I just had to let everyone know that I am doing the best that I can! I love you and thanks for the prayers! I need them right now! Love you so much!
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