Sunday, November 20, 2011

Since Bryson's Surgery and Foundation News!

Been a busy little bee since Bryson's surgery! He feels so fantastic and I am exhausted. I will never complain about having to catheterize my child ever again. The vesicostomy causes Bryson to tinkle constantly all day and night and I have been on double diaper duty and my diaper costs have more than doubled since the surgery. It's doing the job, though, of keeping the infections away and he feels so good it's almost scary! I just thought he was a ball of energy before. Well, let me tell ya, he is more than a handful now! It's good, but tiring all at the same time. I think we have finally hit the terrible two's now and the throwing of fits has come into play. Bryson can be quite the bossy, moody, down right mean, then hilarious child all in a matter of minutes! He's still good more than not, though, and is still the sweetest, most loveable little guy on the planet. We all have our moments, I guess...even a two yr old. He's growing and getting so big too. I don't know what I'm gonna do when I can't hold him anymore. On January 21st he will be 3 yrs old and I can't even believe it. Where does the time go? All he can talk about right now is Santa and how he's gonna get lots and lots of toys for Christmas! It's hilarious because he has this huge Santa that he talks to every day and he says, "Santa, are you coming? Are you gonna bring me lots of toys?" He even pretends to call Santa on the phone! Christmas will be a blast this year because he's older and understands how it works now. I tell him that even though Santa brings toys for Christmas, that Christmas is really about the day Jesus was born and it's when we celebrate Jesus' birthday and that's really what Christmas is about and what it means. He doesn't quite understand that part yet, but he will because I will keep telling him.

The Warrior Families Beating Spina Bifida Foundation is almost up and running and I couldn't be more proud or excited! All the paperwork is done and ready to be mailed in and now all we have to do is wait for the approval to come back and we will be considered a non-profit organization and can start our campaign to help everyone who has a spina bifida related need. I have prayed for so long or God to show me His plan and purpose for me and this is it. Having a child born with spina bifida has taught me so much and has made me think so far outside of myself and has brought me so much closer to God. I was a very selfish person and lived by the ways of the world before Bryson and I am so thankful that I am living my life for God and my son now. This whole experience has truly changed me for the better.

So, lots of exciting things are in my future and I am happy and honored to be a part of something that is going to be so huge. I have the chance to help beat this thing called spina bifida and for that I am grateful and oh so thankful!

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