Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Birdies for Bryson and more exciting news!

The Birdies for Bryson golf tournament is about to be underway! This event was in trouble and was almost about to be cancelled due to lack of interest and not enough players, but once again, God has come through with answered prayers! My friend Lisa, who is pretty much heading this whole thing up, and I went out yesterday for 6 hrs and hustled up players and big sponsors and looks like the tournament is gonna be saved and will end up being a huge success! God has truly shown me so much favor during all of this and I am so grateful!

Ok, now for the more exciting news part....

As you know, I have been in contact with several other moms who have taken their children to China and Mexico for stem cell treatments and they are all having such wonderful results. Well, one of the other moms and myself have something pretty cool in the works right now! We started a Facebook page that has all kinds of helpful and useful information for anyone who has spina bifida or parents of children with spina bifida and is seeking treatments or therapies or just whatever. Well, we decided to take it one step further because there are so many of us out there trying to raise funds for these treatments and we are in the process of putting an actual Spina Bifida Foundation together! Yay! We want to help anyone who needs funds for treatments, equipment, therapy, etc., but can't afford it! Yep, I'm gonna be the co-founder of an actual non-profit organization! I am so excited and God is working in us and through us and in so many ways and we are going to give back so everyone has a chance to get to do the things we are doing for our kids.

We all work so hard on these fundraisers and in order for big corporations to donate large amounts, we need a 501(c)(3), which is basically what you need to become a non-profit organization, so we decided to go for it so we won't keep missing out on the large donors, and why not help others in the process!

I want to thank God for answered prayers, for the fantastic moms He put in my life, for all the friends and family that have so generously donated and helped put on fundraisers, and for His guidance throughout this journey! We've got a long way to go, but with God for us, who can be against us? I am witnessing on a daily basis what it means to "ask and you shall receive" and I lift it all up to God for His grace and favor and I give Him all the glory!

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!!!!!!


Mitzi said...
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Mitzi said...

So happy that everything is going well! God is good all the time. All the time, GOD IS GOOD!!

Kara Underwood said...

He sure is Mitzi! Molli will qualify for funds when we get the foundation up and running! If there is anything you need for your home, or if you choose to seek stem cell treatments, please let me know and as soon as we get things off the ground, I will put in a request for you! Not sure when the foundation will be official, but we're working on it!