Well, I've been going at it all day like a chicken with it's head cut off! I had a list a mile long to accomplish, and I did it all! Whew! I need a nap now! I had to make several phone calls, as I am finding Bryson a new urologist. The one he has now has absolutely no bedside manner or communication skills and I was referred to another doctor by a new friend of mine, who has a daughter that's 2yrs old and has spina bifida like Bryson. I also called around and got on some waiting lists for in-home physical therapy, because my pt seems to think Bryson only needs pt twice a month and I beg to differ! I had to go make bank deposits, mail thank you cards, go to the grocery store, and pick up Bryson's prescriptions! Like I said, busy day! I designed a flyer for the golf tournament and made up entry forms for that as well. God is putting some great people in my life and I am so thankful for that. I'm about to clean house with the doctors who aren't willing to work with me on Bryson's goal of walking! Seems like all Scottish Rite wants to do is tell me my kid won't, and will never, walk. They actually laugh at me when I tell them they aren't God and the only person who knows what my baby boy will do is God! I just let their nonsense go in one ear and out the other these days. Thankfully, the new people I am in contact with are giving me great information and Bryson is going to start getting the chances he needs to start walking.
The donations have just about totally stopped and it's disheartening, but I know God will provide in a huge way when it's time! I am keeping my head up and keeping my faith and letting God know that He is in control and I trust Him without a shadow of a doubt! I still pray for healing for Bryson daily and I still ask for the donations to start flowing in daily, and I know God will make that happen for us. When Bryson gets these stem cell treatments, I will give ALL the glory to God because I know it was made possible by Him and Him alone! Thank you Heavenly Father!
Well, I'm off to start preparing a special dinner for Monty! His favorite Chicken Scallopine! I haven't made it in a while and I thought it would be a nice treat! He walks over 15 miles in the this retched heat every day as a city postal carrier and he's always starving when he gets home. Just a little "thank you" dinner for all the hard work he does these days. He works his butt off to provide for this family and so I can stay home with Bryson and we love him for it!
1 comment:
kara! dont be disheartened- you know its always darkest before the sunrise! <3 you!
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